Hooray for Rich People

I think I can speak for all the rich people in the world today when I say “thank you Supreme Court.” Not only have the justices established that corporations are people, but that rich people have all the rights of corporations. It’s all part of the First Amendment; read it yourself.

The court, in a 5-4 decision (that once again inexplicably includes the vote of Clarence Thomas — more on that in a moment) has ruled that the limits on individual gifts to political campaigns need to be upped. This seems like such a good idea it’s a wonder no one thought of it before. Oh wait, they did. Back in 2010, the court found that there shouldn’t be limits on contributions by corporations. So really, we’re just bringing everything in line here.

In spit of the obvious advantages of these decisions, there are a new nay-sayers who see in them “the evisceration of America’s campaign finance laws.’Interestingly, not a single one of the scoffers in the wake of the court ruling yesterday was a Republican. Hmmmmm. What do you make of that?

Frankly, for the rich people who only want to use their money to get their ideas better known –like those zany multi-billionaires Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers — this ruling merely affirms their rightness in the American political culture. It’s all about unlimited giving because that’s freedom and that’s the American way. If some want to see the seeds of corruption being sown, let them. All the court is doing is sustaining the First Amendment, which apparently includes a section about how rich people shouldn’t be discriminated against.

Which brings me back to Clarence Thomas, the most pathetic member of the court. Thomas yesterday voted with the majority but wrote his own opinion (isn’t that sweet?) saying he sees no reason for any regulation on political contributions. And this from a justice who regularly consorts with the same very rich people who stand to benefit from this ruling. And would do so even more if everyone adhered to Thomas’ opinion.

I wonder if the Koch Brothers might be interested in buying a Supreme Court? Or have they already?