Let’s be calm about this…

I don’t want to get all in a lather over this, so let’s just decide to properly call Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a blithering idiot.

Kennedy, of course, is the guy who is opposed to vaccines and other important public health measures and who is running a forlorn, necessarily misbegotten campaign for the presidency. Today he announced he has selected a vice presidential, an unknown woman who apparently believes some of the crap that Kennedy espouses. Oops, sorry, that was not intended. Let’s say she supports some of Kennedy’s bizarre ideas about government and private industry conspiracies not to mention the notion that getting vaccines will give human beings tails. Or send them to hell. Or whatever.

Kennedy’s family — the Kennedy clan of Massachusetts — think he’s a danger and a moron. They have unanimously renounced his candidacy. But of course that’s just in the family.

With this news, we are left with the depressing thought that this presidential race — with aging Joe Biden and contemptible criminal and moral pig “Dementia Don” Trump — apparently somehow can get even worse.

Can things get worse?

Well, has Marjorie Taylor Green said anything today?