Trump the Unreal

Day 28.

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton lacks the mental and physical stamina to be President. And this is based on the evidence that ……? Surely if anyone’s mental stamina might be questioned, it is that of Donald Trump. And as for physical stamina, Trump has never submitted to a physical examination whose results can be verified. Oh sure, an alleged “doctor” wrote a letter attesting that Donald Trump is in better shape than any other human, but the doctor, the letter and the claims seem more of a juvenile prank than anything resembling real medical practice.

Trump the Miserable Campaigner

Day 24. Donald Trump is now blaming the news media for his miserable campaign because — let’s be honest here — they keep repeating exactly what he is saying. He is hardly the first losing candidate to offer such complaints, but he is unquestionably the biggest loser to do so. He is proving an extraordinarily inept campaigner, a political newcomer with no skills whatsoever. And to be honest once again: he’s a loser.

Trump the Dangerous

Today is Day 22 since Donald Trump was nominated for President by the Republican Party, and Day 22 he has refused to release any of his income tax returns. He’s hiding some really huge nasty stuff.

Now Donald Trump says — and insists he means it — that President Obama is the founder of ISIS. There is no level of scumbaggery Trump cannot and will not reach. He is a dangerous megalomaniac, a man incapable of speaking with honesty and thought.

Trump the Enabler

Today is Day 21 since Donald Trump was nominated for President by the Republican Party, and Day 21 he has refused to release any of his income tax returns. He’s hiding some really huge nasty stuff.

Donald Trump’s newly announced “economic team” consists of 14 older white men, all businessmen, many who have made their fortunes buying up distressed properties, i.e., taking advantage of misfortune that has befallen the poor. Nothing wrong with it, of course; it’s all legal. Doesn’t that make you feel better? And then there’s this: there’s not a single trained economist in the bunch, only businessmen whose aims are solely focused on enriching themselves. Come to think of it, they make a perfect team for Donald Trump.

Trump the Unfit

Today is Day 20 since Donald Trump was nominated for President by the Republican Party, and Day 20 he has refused to release any of his income tax returns. He’s hiding some really huge nasty stuff.

Donald Trump continues to show how he is unfit to be President for lack of character, temperament and morality. His latest comment: “If she (Hillary Clinton) gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is. I don’t know.” In other words, if she is elected the only way for her opponents to deal with her is through assassination? This is little more than thinly veiled treasonous observation. Inciting his supporters to violence? Of course Trump says he meant no such thing. But he said it.

Trump the Clueless

Today is Day 19 since Donald Trump was nominated for President by the Republican Party, and Day 19 he has refused to release any of his income tax returns. He’s hiding some really huge nasty stuff.

Donald Trump laid out his economic plan yesterday. It would benefit only a small group of people: the very wealthy by removing the estate tax. The rest of his proposal is a jumble of the imagined, the unrealistic and the outright stupid. It would be a disaster for the middle class and, ultimately, our country. Nothing new there.

Trump the Coward

Today is Day 18 since Donald Trump was nominated for President by the Republican Party, and Day 18 he has refused to release any of his income tax returns. He’s hiding some really huge nasty stuff.

And, by the way, the IRS says it has no rules that prohibit public release of Trump’s income tax returns. Donald Trump is scared silly. But then, we knew that — all bullies are really cowards.

Trump the Trailer Trash

Today is Day 17 since Donald Trump was nominated for President by the Republican Party, and Day 17 he has refused to release any of his income tax returns. He’s hiding some really huge nasty stuff.

Donald Trump is trailer trash. you k now what that is? It’s someone who is rude, crude, thoughtless and caring about anyone or anything. You could also add ignorant because Trump, to be honest about it, is neither very well educated nor intelligent.

Trump the Disgraced

Today is Day 16 since Donald Trump was nominated for President by the Republican Party, and Day 16 he has refused to release any of his income tax returns. He’s hiding some really huge nasty stuff.

Donald Trump alleged he saw a “cash payoff” by American officials to Iranians in a video. It’s sort of like he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9-11. What a total b.s. artist. What a disgrace he is to this country.