Author Archives: William W. Starr

Convict Trump

For a time I wondered whether impeaching Donald Trump for a second time was the right step to take. After all, it would really give him more headlines at a time when most Americans want to hear less about him.

But it really is about him. It is about his incitement to riot that helped push dangerous, murderous mobs into the US Capitol on January 6. It is about his empowering those mobs to follow his deranged, baseless claims that he won the election, that the election was stolen from him. He pushed that lie time and again for nearly two months, and a lot of people believed him, came to Washington, and were spurred to commit crimes in his name.

We cannot forget that. We should not forget that. That’s why we need the second impeachment. We need to be reminded bluntly of just what Donald Trump did, and how his lies propelled the criminals at the Capitol.

There’s no reason – and not enough space here – to enumerate those charges against him, except to say that they point to his guilt, his incitement, his horrible lies.

Trump requires this second impeachment. And whether or not he is convicted – too many toady Republicans will likely see he won’t — the record, the truth, will be laid bare for everyone in coming generations to see. Trump is a criminal, and everything that can be done to make clear exactly why that is true must happen.

Convict him. But know that no matter what, he is convicted.

An Affirmation of American Democracy

As he skulked away from the White House, Donald Trump vowed “We will return in some form.” My preference would be as a caterpillar.

Apart from the democratic ritual and sense of national renewal this Inauguration Day, we take notice of something most welcome: Vice President Mike Pence, taking part in the inaugural ceremony and then later departing with his successor, Kamala Harris. In spite of being a toady for Trump through most of the last four years — in some ways it’s understandable — he showed himself in the last week to be a responsible person who does indeed care about the democratic norms. We salute him for that.

It felt good — no, it felt better than that — to see former presidents in attendance (Obama, Bush, and Clinton). That was a reaffirmation of the transition process, one from which the cowardly Trump refused to acknowledge. He was and remains a very small child.

And as he departs, we trust he will soon find himself kept very busy, not with golf, but with trying to find seventies against the coming legal onslaught, from a second impeachment (what a terrible legacy) to civil and criminal lawsuits coming in many locales. He may hope to turn into a caterpillar sooner rather than later.

What We Heard the other Day…

We think we’ve finally found the truth. No, not that truth, the REAL truth, the one that the truthful people really believe is true. It goes like this, and we can prove it:

There is a group of people who believe we are secretly governed by a cabal that practices satanism and pedophilia and which is headed by none other than Donald Trump. Yes, that’s right, Donald Trump. It’s group secretly known by their logo: AQON. When you think about it (which is never recommended) it becomes obvious.

We know Trump has spoken in desirous terms about his own daughter Ivanka. His own words not to mention his marital habits make clear his preference for much younger women. How much younger? That’s a secret, of course, known only to believers in AQON.

Satanism? How else can you explain Trump’s expressed notions that the coronavirus will simply “disappear?” Why would he tell people it isn’t necessary to wear masks? How could nearly 400,000 people die of the virus and yet be ignored by Trump? Satanism indeed is rampant here. AQON reigns.

And then take a gander how at his most fervent, misguided and gullible believers — the ones who invaded the Capitol — are exactly the kind of people satan really prefers. The more misguided and gullible the better. The perfect agents for the AQON legacy of Donald Trump.

So, it just has to be true. It sounds true. Because there’s just one kind of truth, and that’s the one we believe in. Truthfully.

So, stay truthful, my friends. And remember: it’s the only way. Unless there’s another way.

A Humiliating and Deserved Departure

The impeached, disgraced and cowardly Donald Trump — a man who has trampled over democracy with his lying, corruption and glaring ignorance — is finally slinking away from the White House this week. It’s a pity it wasn’t four years ago.

The end of the Trump presidency is as mangled and corrupt at the end as it has been since 2016. Trump is departing without so much as a nod to the incoming President Joe Biden after having continued to insist that he was cheated out of the election by rampant voter fraud — rampant fraud that no one, Republicans included, could ever document.

Worse, his election lies incited an insurrection against the United States government, a riot of white nationalists, QAnon supporters and fringe hangers-on who stormed the Capitol at Trump’s bidding, an act for which Trump has been impeached — a second time — and likely will face. criminal charges.

What a disgusting person he is. His disdain for the Constitution and the rule of law is egregious. He has brought on himself a legacy that will forever link him to a seditious mob who tried to destroy the citadel of government and the people who are responsible to it. He has no shame about that, only perfunctory regret, most likely because the rioters didn’t succeed.

The sooner he’s gone the better for America. And better for the (few) responsible Republican lawmakers who have wasted their lives endorsing the president’s misbehaviors. There aren’t many profiles in courage in the GOP once you get past Sen. Mitt Romney, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger and some others. Hooray for them. May they rise as we move into the 2020s.

And as we move into 2021, let us not say good-bye to Donald Trump. Let us instead wish him all the misery and terrors he has so justly earned since 2016 (and before, for that matter). He is an appalling person, and the damage he has done to his country will always be the prime part off his legacy. Go in shame, Donald. And go.

Go, Go, Go

The disgraced, cowardly, ignorant Donald Trump needs to be removed from office before he can do further damage to America. Either by using the 25th Amendment or an impeachment or possibly by his own resignation — not that he has that much self-awareness — he must go.

An unhinged, mentally unstable man in the White House is a danger to this nation. There is no telling what his sickness will lead him to attempt. Another treasonous call to his domestic terrorist supporters isn’t out of the realm of possibility. And there are probably some elected Republican officials who would endorse that no less. Looking at You Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley.

Having Trump remain in office a day longer is unacceptable. Drag him out if we must, but get him away from the presidency. Justice, fairness and common sense demand it.

Trump Adds Treason to Odious Behaviors

As Trump protestors — spurred by the president himself — storm our Capitol, it is apparently that Donald Trump has unleashed treasonous actions against this United States. He has placed democracy at risk and encouraged violence against America. He and a group of Republican allies in Congress is attempting nothing less than a coup and must be stopped.

My hope is that the military may help restore order and justice in Washington. And that Donald Trump be arrested and placed in restraint as a danger to this nation with his potentially treasonous behaviors. He is not merely sick but diseased and must be removed from office immediately.

Time is Running Out

Read these prophetic words of our American President:

“Free elections will always protect our nation against (any dictatorship) … Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves, and that is by not voting at all … The people know that during this past year there were politicians and others who quite openly worked to restrict the use of the ballot in the election.”

Well, of course those words weren’t spoken by President Donald Trump. They came from President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the eve of the election in 1944. But they sound awfully topical, don’t they?

And when FDR spoke of politicians who work openly to restrict the ballot he could have been talking about Trump and his sleazy Republican allies in 2020. Happily, their efforts came to naught, although the long-term damage to the pubic sense of our democracy won’t be ascertained for several years, I fear.

And yet, Trump remains in the White House totally ignoring his responsibility to govern, concerned not with the pandemic, with Russian meddling in our democracy and the failure to assist his incoming successor but only with his craven, small-minded interests. and those are, of course, hijacking money from his supporters to support his lifestyle after he leaves the government, and continuing to deny the legal reality that he is a loser.

There’s really not much more to be said. Trump has assured us that his legacy will be an awful one, inflicting great harm on the American nation. And that he couldn’t care less. It’s been all about him not this country and its people (except as they can meet his personal needs).

But it’s almost over now, Just a little more than three weeks left in the worst presidency in our history and one of the worst people in our history. Still, the stench of Trump is rank. His departure cannot come soon enough. It’s time — past time — to begin undoing the shitstorm he has made in America.

We Can’t Wait

In the last post around Thanksgiving, we noted Mitch McConnell had not yet admitted that Joe Biden won the election. Well, it seems Mitch has had a change of heart and now believes Biden is the President-elect. So there goes the notion that Mitch was all about self-interest and the preservation of power over the virtues of democracy. Nope, he’s now a just doggone patriot who sees reality.

Of course, even in hindsight, that puts him many steps ahead of the election’s real loser, Donald Trump. He continues to throw tantrums about rigged ballots, election fraud and who-knows-what-else as his time in office b begins to fade away. There were, of course, no rigged ballots or fraud on any scale to alter the election results. But Trump — and henchmen like Mitch — have used that spurious claim to refuse to recognize Biden’s win.

On one level, that’s stupidly hilarious. Biden won on the day after the election. But on another level it is appalling, a threat to democracy by a group of belligerent losers claiming that part of our system of government and elections requires weeks of fraudulent allegations. They’re saying “the election process is deeply flawed and you shouldn’t believe in it until we (Republicans) tell you so.” That’s dangerous.

The American electoral system does work. It worked just fine in November, and we legitimately elected Joe Biden. Claiming anything else — for weeks on end — is simply malignant noise that is designed to convince too many Americans that elections are faked.

The electoral system is strong. It was strong even in an unprecedented year when mail-in ballots were incredibly prevalent as a necessary part of safe voting. There was no widespread fraud, there was no real reason to challenge the results. Joe Biden won. Donald Trump lost.

And he’s still a loser, one about to be removed from office. One who will face a very different landscape after January 20th. One who will discover that even self-administered pardons — if he takes that route — offer no protection from state criminal cases against him. And my goodness, those cases ae coming.

Donald has always been a cry-baby. We’re about to see that big time. Can’t wait.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving indeed. Donald Trump has been soundly defeated in an honest election, and there is so very much to be thankful for right now.

For starters, Joe Biden bet Trump by nearly 6 million votes, last I heard. He won in the electoral college by about the same numbers as Trump defeated Hilary Clinton in 2016. There was no demonstrable fraud in the election. Trump lost. Period. He’s a loser. Period.

So what’s he up to thee days as he waits out his last days in the White House? Well, there’s a pardon for a felon who lied to the FBI. There’s a fund-raising scheme he desperately needs for his post-presidential activities (i.e., lawsuits, debts, Melania’s alimony….).

The money raising ideas are pretty lousy for anyone who cFES TO contributes. Ostensibly the money he’s seeking goes for legal activitIes in each of the states pushing his baseless fraud claims That is a possibility, however slim. Much more likely is the sense that Trump can pull off most of the money generated by this scheme to hep pay off his debts. That would be in excess of at least $400 million. And he ain’t got that cash anywhere around until and unless he can get folks to pony up right now.

He also is saying he’ll use it for another rn at the White House in 2024. That seems unlikely. First, there’s a really good chance he’ll lose again if he gets the nomination. Second, if he’s still alive, he’ll be an extremely unhealthy 78-yer old. Third, do you think he truly wants all that trouble again? And, having been fooled once, a majority of American voters are going to exceedingly un happy about the prospect of four more years with him.

So let’s just assume he’s trying to con as much money out of his supporters as he can right now. He’s a con man, and this is just another one. Another shabby con.

Of course we still have a lot of bottom-feeders in the Republican party out there, starting with Mitch McConnell, who still has not admitted that Joe Biden won the election. He’s a trumpster all the way, and a shameless politician who will long bear the legacy of a man who cared not at all for democracy, only for political gain. His time is coming … Trump’s is on the way even sooner.

A Spelling lesson for Us

How do you spell “loser?” Well, “Donald Trump” would be swell way to start.

He lost the presidential election — forget those fake ballots and voter fraud — and now he’s pouting inside the White House. A coward and a bully (don’t those two attributes almost always go together anyway?).

He delegated some of his toadies to go protect the election results, but his heart clearly isn’t in it. On the weekend after the election, instead of working on serious ballot challenges, he played golf for two days. There’s your “loser” spirit in action.

Of course he’s going to leave office. But we think we know why he’s hanging on so tenaciously. First, he hates being called a loser. and hates even more actually being one. Second, once he leaves the sanctuary of his office he’s almost certainly going to face a ream of legal actions, civil and criminal, even thing from business fraud to physical assault on a woman. And third, he will have to confront his personal financial issues head-on: he’s in debt for at least $421 million with no discernible way of paying it off.

Tsk, tsk. Things do come around, don’t they?

We already know we can count on him to make it messy as his administration has been. By refusing to allow the president-elect to begin the official transition, he shows himself a small, scared little boy. He’s rather urge his supporters to give him money ostensibly for legal challenge to baseless voter fraud accusations but which in reality will go into his pocketbook (maybe that’s where he gets money to pay off his debts?).

Whatever, he is as slimy as ever, and his supporters seem willing to drag themselves through his muck ever longer. We’re at 65 days and counting before he’s done (unless, of course, he decides to skulk away under cover of darkness one cold night in December).

But he knows, even if he won’t admit it, that he’s a loser ands his days are numbered. Sorry, let’s spell that in bigger letters: LOSER