What a year 2015 promises to be!
Americans bringing back cigars from Cuba legally. Eating French fries again instead of those “Freedom” fries. A year year free of presidential politics. OK, I may have misstepped with that last one. In fact, since Chris Christie has spent more time in Iowa than New Jersey in the last 12 months suggests I am not just overly optimistic but downright bonkers. We are in full-bore presidential freak-out even though it’s a year before the primaries.
It’s somewhat amusing to think about the possibilities for Democrats, but blessed folly to consider the Republicans. For the Demos, as we know, it will be Hilary against the field, which at the present time includes only Jim Webb (who?). Will a long-shot show up a la Barack Obama in 2008 to take away the Clinton’s marbles? I have no idea.
Nor do I really have an educated guess about the Republicans, but then again who does? It’s just dizzying fun to consider the options: Rick Perry (memory loss?). Rick Santorum (Google him). Scott Walker (who?). Jeb Bush (can’t see the forest for the Bushes). Chris Christie (America needs a bully). Mike Huckabee (good for book sales). Herman Cain (oh please, please yes). Marco Rubio (ready to lead the Roughriders back to Cuba). Ted Cruz (when hell freezes over. And over). Mitt Romney (you’re kidding, right?).
Take a deep breath and look over that field — is there anyone, really anyone, you want to cast a vote for in 2016? My hope is that we’re looking at the wannabes and not someone who may actually run and win. Someone qualified. Someone intelligent, outspoken, progressive, capable, someone with a vision for this country that includes all strata of its citizens, from the poorest to the richest, from the neediest to the least deserving. Someone with passion, compassion, leadership and … oh who am I kidding. Forget that and let’s all just get behind Ted Yoho.
OK, I’m kidding again. I just like writing the name Ted Yoho.