If blog length were determined by the “rightness” of the topic, this column would be almost infinite. Instead, it will be brief, though the subject is of such clear, unblemished “right” that it defies sense and logic that I or anyone else would still be writing about it.
The topic is equal pay for women. The fact is this: for every $1 men earn at their jobs in this country, women earn about 78-cents, give or take a couple of pennies. If that strikes you as something that’s just fine, then you are living in the wrong century. Or perhaps you’re a Republican. It’s blatant financial discrimination and does a terrible disservice to tens of millions of American women who either are the sole breadwinners in their families or whose income is essential to family support. This is a no-brainer.
The state of New Hampshire and the US government are at least recognizing this sad truth with the creation of “Equal Pay Day” to call attention to the problem. And there are bills pending in Congress that seek to ensure wage equity. Democrats in the US Senate support them, and so do some Republicans. In the House of Representatives, many Republicans do not. This is really no giant surprise given that Republicans — at least their demented right wing — do not endorse most legislation that helps women, poor people, gays, immigrants or the middle class. That’s a fact.
If you’re a voter, please keep those things in your mind. If you’re voting for a “good” Republican — one who might support women on this issue — you are lending support to the majority in the GOP who will use their members to deny basic rights to millions and millions of people. Think about it. This topic is all about what’s right. There’s only one way to go with it.