Random Thoughts

A few random thoughts about a few of the miscreants among us…..

The New York Times reveals that House Republicans have spent weeks developing a strategy to attack Obamacare, planning to sharply criticize one part of it, then quickly pivot to criticism another once the first one wears out. House members have been given a list of “talking points” to repeat in their speeches and writings. How wonderful that the House Republicans — who will be meeting for only four days of business next month — has so much time on their hands to sit around and discuss partisan politics. How unsurprising that not a moment of their discussion will have anything to do with making health care better for Americans. No plans, no ideas, no vision. The Republicans have become a party no longer interested in governing, only catering to the worst and lowest in their minority party.


Senate Republicans — nearly as disdainful of responsible governance as their House colleagues — are continuing to block President Obama’s federal appeals court nominees. The reason? Well, they say it would cost $1 million each to approve three of the nominees, a black man and two women. Can’t afford that luxury. Really, the reason is that it would give the Washington, DC court a better balance between Democrats and Republicans, now slanted toward the right. But the GOP doesn’t want to mention that. So their excuse is that it would cost too much. Of course, their own pork barrel proposals would cost infinitely more, but hey, who’s counting that, right?