Donald Trump. Not just our scariest president but our most scared chief executive.
There he is, hiding down in his White House bunker so he’s “protected” from protestors outside. There he is, a coward, scared. He was scared to go to Vietnam, and he’s still every inch a full-blown coward.
Latest evidence? He’s gone to court to block former aide John Bolton’s new book because he’s frightened to death it will make him look, well, cowardly, and selfish, and uncaring about the country he’s supposed to be leading.
He wants to appear manly, hence his walk to a church near the White House after his aides — no doubt with his full pleading approval — roughly cleared away peaceful protestors from his path.
He’s a disgusting, shameful, lying and incompetent coward. But then, let’s not dwell on his best qualities. He’s also a deceitful, narcissistic, anti-democratic embarrassment.
And we could go on.
But why waste the space….