Richard Nixon is looking better than ever these days. And frankly, so is James Buchanan.
And all because of a lying, manhood-impaired and very scared president named Donald and Trump. Yep, the same Trump who scrambled to a bunker deep inside the White House for protection after peaceful protesters showed up in numbers outside. This is the same Donald Trump who says he’s a “dominator.”
Later, after he emerged unscathed from hiding, he ordered his military to clear the protestors — using tear glass and rubber bullets — so he, accompanied by some of his uniformed authorities, could safely a few blocks to a nearby Episcopal Church.
And once there, he of course went inside to pray for this nation.
Oops, you didn’t really believe that, did you? If your name isn’t Mitch McConnell of Lindsay Graham, you probably did. But no, Trump wanted to hold up a Holy Bible outside the church for a photo op. Was the Bible his? Nope. Did he read from it? Nope (we’re not positive he can read from anything).
No, and he never asked the Bishop of that church is he could come and use it as backdrop. That’s morally repugnant and shameless, but those are good descriptions of Donald Trump regardless of the circumstances.
The result of this attempt to show himself as a strong man backfired in a big way. Religious leaders here and abroad condemned him (including, somehow, Pat Robertson, who once made headlines for claiming gay people caused hurricanes. Trump’s attempt to be a man simply showed him as a weakling.
So why would he did all that and go to that much trouble? Well, remember his was a draft dodger, claiming his had a foot injury that would keep him from going to war. So ever since he’s been trying to prove he’s a man not a coward. Didn’t;t work out very well, however. No matter how many military and police he calls out, he’s still a frightened little boy tying to be a grown-up.
And sure enough, he’s a grown-up now. An incompetent, malignant, mentally unstable buffoon of a grown-up.