No one should be surprised that President Trump — two words that sound increasingly obscene — has reversed what little movement he proposed to make on gun control measures. You remember, of course, that when he was face-to-face with survivors of the Florida school shooting, Trump seemed willing to take action to restore a measure of sanity to our gun laws. Not so.
Once the survivors left, Trump found himself facing the NRA and his Republican allies in Congress, a group of people whose behavior over the years has been nothing more than craven and cowardly, totally ignoring the will and wishes of a great majority of the American people. There’s a word for such people’s irresponsibilities, and it rhymes with “season.”
In Trump’s case, after meeting with NRA officials — after he met with survivors — the President, as usual, heeded the advice of the last person he spoke with, though there was hardly any doubt about what he would eventually do. Laughingly, Trump said a few weeks ago that the NRA held little power over him. That may be added to the list of more than 1,200 Trump lies since his inauguration.
Trump now declines to push for raising age limits for certain purchases because, he says,there’s no political support in congress. And that’s right. Republicans in Congress are in thrall to the NRA and its tiny group of supporters. Let’s recall again its membership is about 5 million; the other 350 million people in this country are non-NRA members, and a huge majority of them have consistently pushed for tougher gun control laws.
There’s a walkout by students in schools across America tomorrow, tens of thousands of them, and beyond them are millions of other people who grow more and more angry about the irresponsible, callous attitudes of Republicans and the NRA in blocking responsible gun control laws.
Let’s make our feelings known. At the ballot box. Ask your local officials how they feel about tougher background checks, raising age limits for purchases and limited the sale of assault weapons. If they support those issues, vote for them. If they don’t make noise about it, speak up, let others know that they do not merit votes. They deserve shame.