Read these prophetic words of our American President:
“Free elections will always protect our nation against (any dictatorship) … Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves, and that is by not voting at all … The people know that during this past year there were politicians and others who quite openly worked to restrict the use of the ballot in the election.”
Well, of course those words weren’t spoken by President Donald Trump. They came from President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the eve of the election in 1944. But they sound awfully topical, don’t they?
And when FDR spoke of politicians who work openly to restrict the ballot he could have been talking about Trump and his sleazy Republican allies in 2020. Happily, their efforts came to naught, although the long-term damage to the pubic sense of our democracy won’t be ascertained for several years, I fear.
And yet, Trump remains in the White House totally ignoring his responsibility to govern, concerned not with the pandemic, with Russian meddling in our democracy and the failure to assist his incoming successor but only with his craven, small-minded interests. and those are, of course, hijacking money from his supporters to support his lifestyle after he leaves the government, and continuing to deny the legal reality that he is a loser.
There’s really not much more to be said. Trump has assured us that his legacy will be an awful one, inflicting great harm on the American nation. And that he couldn’t care less. It’s been all about him not this country and its people (except as they can meet his personal needs).
But it’s almost over now, Just a little more than three weeks left in the worst presidency in our history and one of the worst people in our history. Still, the stench of Trump is rank. His departure cannot come soon enough. It’s time — past time — to begin undoing the shitstorm he has made in America.