How do you spell “loser?” Well, “Donald Trump” would be swell way to start.
He lost the presidential election — forget those fake ballots and voter fraud — and now he’s pouting inside the White House. A coward and a bully (don’t those two attributes almost always go together anyway?).
He delegated some of his toadies to go protect the election results, but his heart clearly isn’t in it. On the weekend after the election, instead of working on serious ballot challenges, he played golf for two days. There’s your “loser” spirit in action.
Of course he’s going to leave office. But we think we know why he’s hanging on so tenaciously. First, he hates being called a loser. and hates even more actually being one. Second, once he leaves the sanctuary of his office he’s almost certainly going to face a ream of legal actions, civil and criminal, even thing from business fraud to physical assault on a woman. And third, he will have to confront his personal financial issues head-on: he’s in debt for at least $421 million with no discernible way of paying it off.
Tsk, tsk. Things do come around, don’t they?
We already know we can count on him to make it messy as his administration has been. By refusing to allow the president-elect to begin the official transition, he shows himself a small, scared little boy. He’s rather urge his supporters to give him money ostensibly for legal challenge to baseless voter fraud accusations but which in reality will go into his pocketbook (maybe that’s where he gets money to pay off his debts?).
Whatever, he is as slimy as ever, and his supporters seem willing to drag themselves through his muck ever longer. We’re at 65 days and counting before he’s done (unless, of course, he decides to skulk away under cover of darkness one cold night in December).
But he knows, even if he won’t admit it, that he’s a loser ands his days are numbered. Sorry, let’s spell that in bigger letters: LOSER