Here’s how scared Donald Trump is after it was revealed he called dead American soldiers “losers” and demeaned their military service. He announced proudly that is is opposing the elimination of the military newspaper Stars snd Stripes because he is proud of it and the servicemen and women it serves.
Baloney. He’s frighted to the tips of his tiny little toes that his mean, disgusting words about dead soldiers will cost him votes (which it will). So he’s claiming credit for saving the paper. But it is HIS Pentagon which budgeted its elimination many months ago. Yes, part of the Trump administration’s decision as part of its defense budget cutting. Trump raised no objections for nearly seven months. And his Defense Secretary Mark Esper is still opposing saving the newspaper.
So mark this down as another of Trump’s last, grasping efforts to save his job in the election. and it isn’t working, and his re-election cause is floundering. As it should – the military and those who support it and who have lost family member and friends should denounce Trump.
Our president is a danger to democracy, a mentally challenged loser whose incompetence and desperation seems to grow each day.
And we haven’t yet begun to mention his ghastly abdication of responsibility which has helped cause of the Covid deaths of over 180,000 Americans. And, sadly, many more to come. Let’s throw him out of office — let’s make America great again. Please.