If Donald Trump possessed a shred — even a shred — of human decency, he would resign immediately and apologize for his unbridled narcissistic incompetence.
And if popcorn could talk, it would walk your dog.
This beleaguered nation suffers the most dangerous, truth-challenged, bullying president in our history. James Buchanan, Herbert Hoover, look ’em up: they dazzled as profoundly brilliant chief executives compared with the maladroit and foolish Trump and his horrible mismanagement of our pandemic crisis.
Where to start? Go back to the beginning. InJanuary a White House warning of a pandemic coming. Ignored by Trump who insisted every this was under control. Trump claims credit for blockading anyone from China to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Yeah, and since that order more than 40,000 people have arrived on our shores from China. Worried about the economy more than people in his off-hand comments?
How about health authorities recommending social distancing and quarantines. The president’s response: not necessary. When the use of face masks was recommended, Trump said he wouldn’t do it. What kind of leadership is that? It called “No Leadership.”
With a nation scared and fearful, Trump lies, says business will be heading back to normal by Easter. Wrong. Even the liar had to recant his words. Does anyone get confidence from his news briefings which he uses to glorify his TV ratings, bash any reporter who asks legitimately questions his words and actions, and simply lie, lie, lie?
This is a man who believes he knows more than any scientist. Really. He lacks the brains to keep himself out of bankruptcy – four times. Yes, that has nothing to do with the virus, but it’s another manifestation of his gross and dangerous incompetence and stupidity.
Yes, if he were a decent and responsible human being, he would resign. And what could possibly go wrong with that? Well, for one he might try to appoint as his replacement Jared Kushner, who is resolving the virus crisis (?) a mere few weeks after settling the wars in the Middle East (?). One fool and another.
This has got to end.