So Donald Trump named Vice President Mike Pence as the overseer for the nation’s battle against the spread of coronavirus.
Are you feeling better now? Didn’t think so – neither am I.
After all, this is a fellow who has a lot of questions about whether climate change is a real thing that needs our attention. So much for science. Sounds like the perfect perfect person to deal with coronavirus, right? Especially given his medical education (none) and experience (almost none).
And, if you happen to contract the coronavirus and are also a partner in a gay marriage, good luck in getting Pence to be very concerned about your condition.
But then, we have a president who believes the virus will just disappear when it turns warm. Two things about that: one, no one, not even real scientists know that for sure, and two, Trump hasn’t been doing a lot to attack the spread between now and then.
Looking back over Trump’s record, he has rather consistently opposed increased funding for international health organizations, which are the front lines, in effect, and has sought to trim allocations for our own health agencies. That’s not exactly what you’d want to hear in the face of a growing threat.
And then, there’s that threat. Trump continually downplays it (it’ll be gone in the spring) while all the health authorities around him warn of just the opposite. Who would you want to believe: accredited and knowledgeable and experienced health officials or a president who has lied nearly 15,000 times in his miserable administration? Yeah, let’s make America great again by denying Trump a second term.
So should we be worried? Yes, but not panicky, unless you’re thinking about a second term for Trump. That’s a malaise that would really cause damage. Until then, just keep washing your hands a lot, drink liquids, stay home when you’re sick, and for God’s sake do everything possible to avoid Mike Pence.