So we come to the end of this endless and endlessly nauseating presidential campaign.
Donald Trump has ensured it would be the most despicable campaign in the memory of most of us with his mix of lies, name-calling, massive ignorance and ego tantrums. This man who wants to be President of the United States is keeping his tax information secret (though we know he has almost certainly lied about his worth and used information which has led to IRS audits). He is defiantly asserting his right to sexually assault women. He has denounced and mocked Medal of Honor winners, the disabled, veterans, minorities. He has lied about donating money to charities. He has failed to present coherent ideas to confront major foreign and domestic issues. He has lowered discourse below the level of the sewer.
And that hardly does more than sketch the garbage he as spewed throughout the campaign. There is no redeeming this man, and there can be no redemption for him. He is unqualified in every way — every way — to become our next President. As one of the late-night comedians put it, “Next Wednesday many of us will wake up to our new leader: Hillary Clinton, or Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”
Hillary Clinton is undoubtedly a flawed candidate. But she is knowledgeable, intelligent, experienced and does not pose a threat to the existence of the American democracy. There is no question she is qualified to be President. And there can be no other choice for voters who are willing to think and look and reason and do anything but vote on the basis of their male gender, their white color and their rifle barrel.
It is time to do the right thing. The only thing. Vote for Hillary Clinton and send Donald “small hands” Trump back to try and rescue his faltering business empire. Please.