Can we please go ahead and cancel the third debate? Pretty please?
The second debate was so appallingly caustic, so completely unhinged, so totally uninformative. Does anyone really want to watch these two candidates together in a public forum one more time? It’s impossible to call the previous two joint appearances a debate, given that they have lacked any meaningful, thoughtful, coherent exchange of ideas and policies.
And while Hillary Clinton has contributed to this in some ways, there is no doubting that the presence of Donald Trump has obliterated dialogue, intelligence and truth. His lying is now congenital; the man has become incapable of speaking with honesty or truthfulness. His babble is insulting and demeaning and speaks only to the total absence of character, morality, integrity, reason and intelligence in his makeup.
There is no longer any sense in going forward any longer with this. With his continuing outbursts of trash-as-talk, Donald Trump has demonstrated his mental incompetence, meanness of spirit and defiance of American ideals to the point that he cannot attract any more voters beyond the (mostly) deluded backers who represent his base. And they are a distinct minority in the American electorate.
While opposition to Hillary Clinton remains substantial, there is neither any doubting her qualifications to be President nor the fact of her election. And given the obvious, can we simply cancel the scheduled third debate and allow this misbegotten campaign to close? Allowing Trump yet another forum for his manic, narcissistic rants is pointless. As pointless as every word that drops from Trump’s lying lips.
Please, cancel the debate. End the misery. Please.