King of the Lies

Can anyone believe anything Donald Trump says? After more than five years of lying about President Obama’s birth, Trump now says he is dropping his questions about the matter. Just like that. He’s not issuing an apology for lying either to the President or to any of the thousands of racist wannabes he nurtured with his lying.
And even so, he can’t keep from adding to the pile of lies by blaming Hillary Clinton for starting the birth question. She didn’t of course, but Trump lies and says she did. He lies about nearly every subject he broaches, and he refuses to accept responsibility for his lies and continues to lie. Those who continue to insist they support him are supporting a serial liar, a man who cannot be trusted or believed. A liar who, in the words of former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in today’s Wall Street Journal, is “incompetent and unqualified to be commander-in-chief” of the United States.

And by the way, this is Day 57 since his nomination that Trump has refused to disclose his income tax returns. Wonder if he’s trying to hide indictable activities or just unethical ones?