With Republican Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy officially confirmed and Hillary Clinton’s assumption of the Democratic candidacy hours away, a few thoughts come to mind.
As for Trump, what can be said of a racist bully whose raging narcissism and incoherent brain patterns show him spectacularly unqualified to hold political office? He is a bad piece of bacteria, an ugly man who has never shown he cares for anything beyond gratifying his selfish needs and wants.
It remains puzzling that so many potential voters have been willing to overlook or disregard his persistent and consistent lying, his distressing lack of even basic policy, his horrible business practices, his racist and sexist taunts, his arrogant embrace of the worst elements of behavioral decency. Yet some have.
And so … Even with the issues that she brings to the race, Hillary Clinton emerges as a Mount Everest next to Trump’s molehill. At the very least, she stands in Trump’s way to the White House, and for that she merits gratefulness if not a full-throated embrace. Yes, she has been a part of some unsavory moments politically and personally, and she is no saint. She is, however, a committee and experienced woman — let’s not downplay that last word — who can be a worthy President of the United States. She deserves that chance.
Which brings us to the Bernie Sanders supporters, or at least some of them. Their disappointment at Bernie’s failure to prevail in the Democratic nomination process has become achingly juvenile. Comedian Sarah Silverman’s observation that “You’re being ridiculous” was well-put. It is now past time, way past time, to acknowledge that the process is over and the only hope for our democracy is to unite in support for Hillary.
In a Hillary White House there will be opportunities to press for the Sanders agenda, or “revolution” as some call it. In a Trump White House, there can be only futile protests against a Republican-controlled Congress and Presidency and ultimately Supreme Court. It will be a dark time for our entire nation.
It’s more than ridiculous to persist. It’s foolish and self-destructive. For all of us who care about the future of this country.