I was going to write about Donald Trump. I was going to say — again — that he is a bully. And a clown. And that his so-called “tax plan” is as mindless as something a second grader might come up with. Donald Trump is a disgrace.
But you know what? An even bigger disgrace is the failure of politicians and lobbyists to do something honest about gun laws. We’ve had over 200 mass shootings this year. And the year isn’t over yet. We suffered another one in Oregon today.
I have no doubt the National Rifle Association — whose leadership, at least, qualify as terrorists — will tell us that we need to step up mental health programs to stop the mass shootings. But in other countries — in all other countries — mass shootings have led to tightened gun laws. And they have worked. The reaction by gutless politicians the NRA leaders is just so much window dressing.
They oppose sensible gun safety laws. No amount of deaths and murders and crazy shootings will change their minds. And these are laws that most Americans — the sensible majority of gun owners — support. Don’t let the NRA leaders tell you otherwise; they lie.
I don’t want to take guns away from people who are qualified to own guns. But let’s make it harder for unqualified people to get them. And let’s stop listening to the fanatical leadership of the NRA — I don’t believe they speak for a majority of the membership — and let’s stop electing politicians who lack the courage to confront an American tragedy.
And if you’re a voter: step up and start demanding new gun safety laws. It’s right. And it’s never too late.