Shame on Them

Those of us who live in and near New Hampshire have already heard and seen far too many wrong-headed political commercials this year. Many of them are funded by the Koch Brothers, the right-winger billionaires who are pushing hard for continuing cuts in taxes and regulations in order to further their profits. They are, of course, the biggest backers of the Republican Party, the party which promotes lower taxes, fewer regulations and anything else that helps the wealthy and well-off. There is nothing about the GOP — repeat, NOTHING — that wants to help the rest of us. And if you are supporting any Republican candidate for any office, here’s what you are tacitly or openly embracing:

1. Republicans in the Senate have voted to keep that body from considering an increase in the federal minimum wage, a proposal that could help the millions of Americans who currently labor in or near poverty. That might take some money away from the wealthy, they argue. Note: Congressmen will receive an automatic cost of living increase of nearly $3,000 next January.

2. Republicans in Congress voted against a proposal seeking to confirm the country’s need to have women pay equally with men.

3. Republicans in Congress have consistently voted against measures to provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and have sought to punish or eject those already in this country.

4. Republicans in Congress voted to cut back the food stamp program, an vicious accompaniment to their efforts to minimize the minimum wage.

5. Republicans in the states have tried, successfully in many places, to restrict voters — mostly minorities, but affecting many people — with a series of demeaning proposals limiting qualification, voting hours, etc. Shades of Jim Crow laws.

So let’s see how that adds up — Republicans in Congress are opposed to helping the poor and disadvantaged. They are opposed to fairness for women. They are against finding ways to help immigrants. They don’t like minorities voting.

That’s what you are endorsing when you support a Republican candidate.

And yes, that’s an overstatement. There are sane, caring, responsible Republican politicians, as there are stupid, selfish Democrats. But the Republican Party — as a party — has staked out these positions of opposition to measures aimed at helping people who need help. The positions are the product of mean-spirited politicians, and they make it clear that today’s Republican Party is dominated by its right-wing, a group whose self-interest is paramount, whose thought processes are dense, and whose hostility to those most in need of help is wrenching. Shame on them.